Supplement For Bodybuilding: Vitamin C

When you get enough vitamins in your diet, your muscle building and fat burning processes can function at their full potential.

Even if you are deficient in just one vitamin, your body processes can be affected in a major way.

Even though each individual vitamin is important overall, one vitamin, in particular, stands out for the specific needs of a hard training bodybuilder. especially when it comes to the specific needs of a hard training bodybuilder.

Water-soluble Vitamin C is hugely important for lifters and is a supplement for bodybuilding that cannot be ignored.

There are many benefits to this important supplement for bodybuilding, some of which include….
1) It has antioxidant properties.
Your body develops “free radicals” when oxygen mixes with other compounds due to natural bodily processes or intense exercise. These free radicals are metabolic waste products that attack cells, mutate cell membranes, and have been associated with diseases like cancer and diabetes.

Antioxidants have the ability to neutralize free radicals or prevent their formation altogether. Since Vitamin C works as an antioxidant, this supplement for bodybuilding is excellent at protecting the body from free radical damage.

2) It helps suppress the production of cortisol.
Cortisol, a powerful catabolic hormone, is triggered as a result of stress; this stress may be caused due to the pressures of everyday life or your workouts. Cortisol can do everything from increasing fat storage in the abdominal area, slowing down the movement of nutrients to the muscles, stimulating the breakdown of muscle tissue for energy, and inhibiting the recovery of muscles between workouts.

Vitamin C is a supplement for bodybuilding that helps to lower the secretion of cortisol in the body.

3) It helps steroid hormones to form in your body.
The body’s natural hormone levels help to determine how much muscle you can actually build. Vitamin C, a great supplement for bodybuilding, really helps in forming these hormones.

4) You can absorb iron better.
Iron helps oxygen bind to the hemoglobin in your blood; this is then sent to your muscles to enhance performance. Low iron levels work against you because they reduce the amount of weight you can lift and also decrease the duration for which you can perform high intensity exercises.

5) It helps the immune system.
If you are following an intense training program, it’s critical to keep your immune system functioning at the top level. This way, you will stay healthy and continue to workout with full intensity.

6) It reduces the soreness in your muscles.
This supplement for bodybuilding has been shown to reduce muscle soreness in the days after a training session, as long as you take it close to your workout. This is a bonus for those who want to get rid of that painful ache inside their muscles, following a hard workout.

When you take Vitamin C, you now know you are on the road to maximizing your program results, whether your goal is to build muscle or to burn fat, and that you have found a key supplement for bodybuilding.

The recommended daily allowance for Vitamin C is only 60 mg, but this dose is for average people, not hard training athletes. When you are following an intense program of muscle building or fat burning, you obviously require more.

There are some people who encourage “mega doses” of Vitamin C. Mega-dosing is not something natural to our biochemistry and might interrupt other bodily functions, so even though it’s water-soluble and can be flushed out with sweat or urine, stick with normal doses.

Overall, this supplement for bodybuilding should be consumed in daily dosages of about 500 mg to 1500 mg, spread out over 2 to 3 doses.

Take one dose of this supplement for bodybuilding with your pre-workout meal, and fit in another dose earlier in the day, sometime in the morning. Getting a separate Vitamin C supplement is important, since your multivitamin will probably only contain 50 mg to 200 mg.

You can also get more Vitamin C through foods like oranges, tomatoes, apples, or red and green peppers.

Remember, you probably won’t notice any immediate effects to your bottom line progress thanks to Vitamin C supplementation, but in the long run, it can and should be a big part of your overall plan to maximize your physical results.

Click here for more info and full bodybuilding techniques that will transform you.

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